Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The ride to Onomichi

Take your pick, which bike will you choose for this 72km Epic-ish ride?

Ramps like these make up more than what feels like half of the entire ride! One before the bridge and one after, of course going down those ramps were pretty fun. Initial D music was playing in my head.

Probably the best view I have seen in my life, the first and largest of the 7 bridges! Breathtaking! Cycling up the mad incline was worth every drop of sweat!

If you have the fear of heights, you probably wouldn't go on the view platform... It was really scary hahaha.

Each bridge has a toll system (yes even bicycles), but it was an honour based system. Meaning no one was going to enforce the rule, you are just supposed to have enough integrity to pay those tolls yourself and deposit the coupons here. :) Don't you just love cyclists!

The underbelly of another one of those 7 bridges, such a unique sight!

This particular bridge has the bicycle path under it (as compared to a pavement on the other 6 bridges... Pretty cool! And a definite welcome away from the rain. Yes it was raining halfway through the ride! Make the ride more epic!I had made it 72km in 6 hours, 1.5 hours was used to climb the mad incline to the crazy good view. why 6 hours? I rented the bike at 12noon and they said I have to return it at 6pm. yikes! I figured my average speed was about 20km/h... Was really pushing myself too, after climbing for 1.5 hours anyone's thighs would have been burning. Ouch!

Tags: cycling from imabari to onomichi, Cycling in Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan, sunrise itoyama rental

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